Minimizing Hearing Loss - Three Easy Steps


Professional carpenter workplace with protective headphones, personal protection for work at woodwork production workshop.

Isn’t pizza fascinating? You can alter the toppings, sauces, even the cheeses on it, but as long as it satisfies a few basic criteria, it’s still a pizza. Hearing loss is similar. Symptoms and manifestations are caused by a number of different issues, loud noises, genetics, age, or ear obstructions, but as long as you have difficulty hearing sounds, it’s still hearing loss.

Minimizing the damage is the first thing you should do when confronted with hearing loss of any variety. You can, after all, take some simple measures to limit additional damage and protect your ears.

Tip 1: Clean your ears

When you were younger, you most likely learned that you need to clean behind your ears. But it’s inside of your ears that we’re concerned with here, when it comes to hearing health, not the back of your ears.

There are a number of ways that earwax accumulation can affect your hearing:

  • If you have a hearing aid, earwax can also interfere with that. This could make you think that your hearing is going.
  • Unkempt ears increase your risk of developing an ear infection, which creates swelling that when severe enough, disrupts your ability to hear. When your ear infection clears, your normal hearing will usually return (but that’s something you should consult a doctor about).
  • Sound waves going to your ears can be blocked when a significant amount of earwax builds up. When this happens you won’t be able to hear as well.

If you find earwax buildup, it’s absolutely not recommended that you poke around in there with a cotton swab. In most circumstances, a cotton swab will worsen the problem or cause added harm. Over-the-counter ear drops are recommended as an alternative.

Tip 2: Very loud noises should be averted

This is so obvious that it sort of goes without saying. The problem is that most people are hard-pressed to define what a “loud noise” really is. For instance, highway travel can be loud enough to harm your ears over a long period of time. The engine on your lawnmower can be pretty taxing on your ears, also. As you can tell, it’s not only blasting speakers or raucous rock concerts that harm your ears.

Here are a few ways to steer clear of loud, damaging noises.:

  • Using hearing protection when noisy settings are unavoidable. Are you working on a loud industrial floor? Do you really want to attend that rock concert? That’s awesome. But you should use the appropriate ear protection. You can get enough protection with modern earmuffs and earplugs.
  • When you’re listening to tunes or viewing videos, keep the volume of your headphones at safe levels. Most phones offer built-in alerts when you’re approaching a dangerous limit.
  • Using an app on your phone to alert you when decibel levels get to dangerous thresholds.

There’s a slow development to hearing loss that’s a result of loud sound. So, even if your hearing “feels” okay after a loud event, that doesn’t mean it is. We can only help you find out if you have hearing loss if you call for an appointment.

Tip 3: If you have any hearing loss, get it treated

In general, hearing loss is cumulative. So, the earlier you recognize the damage, the better you’ll be able to prevent added damage. That’s why treatment is extremely important in terms of minimizing hearing loss. Effective treatments (on which you follow through) will leave your hearing in the best possible condition.

Here’s how treatments work:

  • We will help you avoid additional damage to your ears by supplying you with individualized guidance when you come in for an assessment.
  • Hearing aids prevent the brain strain and social isolation that exacerbate hearing loss-related health problems.
  • Hearing aids can prevent some, but not all, damage. For instance, hearing aids will stop you from cranking the volume of your television up so loud it becomes harmful. Because hearing aids prevent this damage, they can also stop further degeneration of your hearing.

In the long run, you will be benefited by using hearing aids

Despite the fact that we’re not able to cure hearing loss, we are putting in hard work to help you prevent further damage. Treatment of hearing loss is usually one of the primary approaches to that. Your current level of hearing will be protected and hearing loss will be prevented from getting worse with the proper treatment.

When you use hearing protection, maintain good hygiene, and get hearing loss treatment with us, you’re taking the proper measures to prevent hearing loss while also giving yourself the best opportunity for healthy hearing in the years to come.

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The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.

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